Micromax's first attempt at dual-core phones has been launched. It was also on pre-order and even went to sale a week before but soon, it was removed from various online retailer such as flipkart. The phone features android 2.2 and Nvidia tegra 2 processor. It is now available on flipkart.com at a price point of 19,490 Rs. This is the cheapest dual-core android phone available in the Indian market beating the LG Optimus 2X which is prices at about 24,000 Rs.
Quick specifications : Micromax A85
- Android 2.2 “FroYo” - This is a big letdown! android 2.3 was expected
- nVIDIA Tegra 2 dual core processor
- 3.8 inch display -
- 5MP rear camera, VGA front camera - no flash for the rear camera
- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- FM tuner
- microSD card slot - upto 32GB supported
- High graphic game support
Micromax unveils A85 SUPERFONE with Gesture Control
- Powered with 1GHz dual core NVIDIA Tegra 2 Processor
- A85 offers multitasking functionality, exceptional web experience and console-quality gaming on the move
New Delhi, November 21st, 2011 Micromax Informatics Limited (“Micromax”), the 12th largest handset manufacturer in the World (According to Global Handset Vendor Market share report from Strategy Analytics), creates a new benchmark in enriching user experience in the smartphone category by unveiling A85 ‘SUPERFONE’
Powered with a 1.0 GHz Dual Core NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor and Android 2.2 Froyo (upgradable to Ginger Bread) the users can work on various applications at the same time, like browse the Internet, check mail, blog, share photographs, and update their status on social networking sites at a lighting fast speed.
The uniqueness of the device is Gesture Control : A85 Superfone features the amazing capability to understand and respond to hand gestures, allowing to command over answering/ rejecting, scrolling Contacts, Gallery, Music player, Calendar and E Mail.
For the gaming enthusiasts, A85 offers console quality gaming. Also, the users get to download more than 2 lakh applications available with the Google Android platform.
The worldwide smartphone market is forecasted to grow 55% year over year in 2011 as a growing number of users turn in their feature phones for more advanced devices. Also, with the growing Android share worldwide, India becomes an important destination in propelling the mobile penetration through Android-powered smart phones.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rahul Sharma, Executive Director, Micromax Informatics Ltd. said “The Indian consumers have a great appetite for newer technology adoption and this inspired us come up with a product which is leap ahead of the current generation of smartphones. We think that the new SUPERFONE category of phones will help the existing feature phone users to the latest technology innovation (Gesture Control) from Micromax.
Mr. Vishal Dhupar, Managing Director, NVIDIA, Asia-South said, “We are excited to partner with Micromax for their latest smartphone especially crafted for Indian users. Be it playing high-quality games or listening to music, today’s consumers require much more in their mobile handsets. Micromax A85 powered by the NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor will provide users with an enriched mobile experience with premium graphics, smooth audio-video playback, astounding gameplay, all this while consuming low battery power!”
The A85 comes with a 3.8” capacitive touchscreen, powered by NVIDIA Cortex A9 and 1.0 GHz Dual Core processor which can be used in parallel giving more power and speed to the device. The phone runs on Android 2.2 Froyo upgradable to Ginger bread and is packed with features like gesture control, Wi-Fi enabled, dual camera (5.0 MP back camera and 0.3 MP front camera) with auto focus.
The A85 has a TFT screen with a resolution of 480 X 800 pixels and is fitted with Gorilla glass for better durability and damage resistance. Micromax A85 comes with preloaded mobile applications like M! ROAMER, M! TRIM, M!APPS, SAAVN, NETQIN ANTIVIRUS, NETQIN MOBILE GUARD, TOI, BSE/NSE, ACCU WEATHER, TXTR EBOOK READER, FACEBOOK, WHATS APP, NIMBUZZ, OPERA, ZOOMIN(POSTCARD), QUIKR, IPLT20, YOUTUBE, TEENPATTI, RIPTIDE and office solution POLARIS OFFICE 3.0 which let end users easily read and edit various format documents on the go.
It comes with a 5.0 MP camera with 7.2x zoom auto focus, to give you a good picture quality. It is also capable of HD Video Recording 720p – 1080p and comes with a multi format video player giving you an ultimate cinematic experience of your favorite videos and movies.
A85 is available at an attractive price of MOP 19900/-
This model will be available across all leading outlets in India. For more information, please visit www.micromaxsuperfone.com
About Micromax:
Micromax is the 12th largest handset manufacturer in the World (According to Global Handset Vendor Market share report from Strategy Analytics). The Indian brand is reaching out to the global frontier with innovative products that challenge the status quo that Innovation comes with a price. Micromax has sales presence across India and global presence in Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri-Lanka, Maldives, UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Afghanistan and Brazil.
* Micromax holds the 3rd position amongst the handset manufacturers in India as pre revenue with a market share of 6.9% for the FY 2011. (Source: V&D report)
NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) awakened the world to computer graphics when it invented the GPU in 1999. Today, its processors power a broad range of products from smart phones to supercomputers. NVIDIA’s mobile processors are used in cell phones, tablets and auto infotainment systems. PC gamers rely on GPUs to enjoy spectacularly immersive worlds. Professionals use them to create visual effects in movies and design everything from golf clubs to jumbo jets. And researchers utilize GPUs to advance the frontiers of science with high-performance computing.The company holds more than 2,100 patents worldwide, including ones covering ideas essential to modern computing. For more information, see www.nvidia.in