wondering how to get hold of google music in India? We have a neat solution! Google Music was launched as a beta service which was only available to people living in the USA or simply having a US IP address. Here we tell you how to get a US IP to fool the google servers thinking that you are from USA.
1) Download the tor broswer
2) Launch the browser
3) The tor control panel will pop up
4) click on settings
5)click on advanced
6)In the torr configuration file there will be a file named torrc
7) Browse to torrc
8) Add these lines at the top "ExitNodes manning, saeed, hazare StrictExitNodes 1"
9) stop and restart tor
10) navigate to music.google.com
11) agree the terms of condition
12) voila! You are done!
Note: you need not use the tor browser again and again, once registered you can use your current browser. Google just needs a US IP address for registering. you may continue using your own IP address to access google music.